Tag Archives: molluscs

Classes of Molluscs: Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda

Chitons (Gr. coat of mail, tunic)  repreent a somewhat more diverse molluscan group with about 1000 currently described species. They are rather flattened dorsoventrally and have a convex dorsal surface that bears seven or eight articulating limy plates, or valves, hence their name Polyplaophora (“many plate bearers”). The plates overlap …

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Classes of Molluscs: Caudofoveata, Solenogastres

For more than 50 years five classes of living molluscs were recognized: Amphineura, Gastropoda, Scaphopoda, Bivalvia (also called Pelecypoda), and Cephalopoda. Discovery of Neopilina in the 1950s added another class (Monoplacophora), and Hyman contended that solenogasters and chitons were separate classes (Aplacophora and Polyplacophora), lapsing the name Amphineura. Subsequently, Aplacophora …

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An Introduction to Molluscs

Mollusca (mol-lus’ ka) (L. molluscus, soft) is one of the largest animal phyla after Arthropoda. There are over 90,000 living species and some 70,000 fossil species. Molluscs are coelomate lophotrochozoan protostomes, and as such they develop via spiral mosaic cleavage and make a coelom by schizocoely. The ancestral larval stage …

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Molluscs: Form and Function

The enormous variety, great beauty, and easy availability of shells of molluscs have made shell collecting a popular pastime. However, many amateur shell collectors, even though able to nameh undreds of the shells that grace our beaches, know very little about the living animals that created those shells and once …

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